Mission & History

What is CASP?

The Council of Autism Service Providers (CASP) is a non-profit trade association of provider organizations serving individuals with autism spectrum disorder. CASP member organizations provide services in many different settings utilizing a variety of funding streams.

CASP represents the autism provider community to the nation at large including government, payers, and the general public. CASP serves as a force for change, providing information, delivering education, and promoting standards that enhance quality.


In 2009, leaders from 10 provider agencies convened in Las Vegas as the Council on Autism Services (CAS). The goal of this group was to provide a forum for senior executives from like-minded organizations to meet, share ideas, and solve problems.

The following year, an invitation to participate was extended to other agencies that demonstrated a commitment to serving autistic individuals and the use of an evidence-based treatment approach. Responding to positive participant feedback on this unique opportunity to interact with colleagues, CAS pledged to continue a conference format of short workshops, discussion groups, roundtables, and informal networking.

Leaders of CAS eventually recognized the need to formalize to meet the growing needs of providers and the people they serve. A small group of agency leaders met in May 2015 to identify the mission and values for a new association and establish a strategic direction.

The Council of Autism Service Providers (CASP) was legally formed as a nonprofit in December 2015, obtained 501(c)6 tax exemption shortly thereafter, and was announced to participants of the 2016 annual conference.


The founders of CASP recognized the need for a strong national voice for autism service providers. While there are successful associations representing parents and self-advocates, the priorities of these groups may not always align with the needs of provider agencies, including the need to establish standards of care and treatment.

CASP and its member organizations recognize that a failure to act may put the quality of autism services at risk. Consumers and payers are demanding results, and CASP has established standards that define quality care.


The Council of Autism Service Providers’ mission is to support our members by cultivating, sharing, and advocating for provider best practices in autism services.

CASP is a rapidly-growing association with the following goals:

  • Ensure quality, safe and effective care
  • Promote continuous quality improvement
  • Help ensure that the money spent for care and treatment is directed to the most effective, evidence-based practices
  • Represent providers of care to government, payers, and the public
  • Write and share public policies that balance effective treatment and economic principles
What do we mean by “evidence-based practices?”

CASP is committed to promoting the use of evidence-based practice. Components of established evidence-based practices include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Choices of intervention are guided by published research in peer-reviewed journals and in keeping with general consensus of the related field.
  • Objective data are collected and used to measure progress and guide clinical decision-making for the purpose of providing effective intervention and meaningful outcomes.