Autism Weekly Podcast with Lorri Unumb of CASP

In the News,

Parent Advocacy, Insurance coverage & Autism Services: Episode 29

About the Podcast:
This episode (April 9, 2021) includes Lorri Unumb, who discusses autism services, insurance coverage, access to care, and parent advocacy. She’s the ideal guest to discuss both the history of access to care in autism as well as the status, the pitfalls and the current concerns.

Lorri played a vital role in the autism insurance reform movement back in the mid-2000s. She worked for nearly a decade as the VP of State Government Affairs for Autism Speaks, taught a university course titled “Autism and the Law” at George Washington University, and is currently the CEO of CASP (which is the Council of Autism Service Providers.) Learn more from this awesome parent advocate by downloading the podcast today!

Autism Weekly is listed on podbean and also distributed to all of the major listening platforms from there.

About Autism Weekly: Autism Weekly is produced by ABS. ABS is proud to provide diagnostic assessments and ABA therapy to children with developmental delays like Autism Spectrum Disorder. You can learn more about ABS and the Autism Weekly podcast by visiting